蝴蝶蘭分生組織培養苗去病毒技術之建立 Phalaenopsis Virus Elimination by Tissue Culture |
謝瑞旻 陳金枝 林益賢 陳文輝 張清安 R.M. Hsieh C.C. Chen Y.S. Lin W.H. Chen C.A. Chang |
摘要 |
本研究主要探討蝴蝶蘭分生組織擬原球體(protocorm-like-bodies, PLBs),在經藥劑Ribavirin處理後對CyMV及ORSV感染之影響。結果顯示在相同處理天數下,培殖體存活率隨著處理藥劑濃度之增加而降低;在相同的處理濃度下培殖體之存活率隨著處理天數增加而降低,不同品系間無明顯差異。在增殖率方面,在相同濃度下增殖率隨著處理天數增加而降低,Phal. Sierra Gold `Suzanne’較Phal. True Lady `F86-12’稍高。Phal. Sierra Gold `Suzanne’以100ppm處理十天可獲得13.9%之無病毒植株;Phal. True Lady `F86-12’則以250ppm處理十天可獲得88.2%之無病毒植株。另外, Phal. True Lady`F86-12’ 即使不經藥劑處理也可獲得相當高比率(61.5%-88.2%)的無病毒植株。將經ELISA檢測為無病毒植株之瓶苗出瓶栽培至中苗及大苗,持續追蹤病毒去除情形,結果顯示至中苗仍分別維持66-99%的無病毒株。 在提高去病毒率方法之可行性探討方面,將擬原球體橫切後以250ppm Ribavirin處理五天後,將存活球體誘導分化,分別移至含不同濃度Ribavirin之固體培養基,結果顯示植株增殖率及存活率隨藥劑濃度增加而降低,25ppm處理與對照組相同。
Abstract |
Phalaenopsis is one of Taiwan’s important orchids for export. Virus-infected Phalaenopsis have been increasing. This project developed a virucide-based method to eliminate CyMV and ORSV from infected protocormlike bodies of Phalaenopsis during micropropagation. The survival rate and propagation ability of treated PLBs decreased when ribavirin concentration were increased. Some 13.9% virus-negative plants were obtained when the PLBs of Phal.Sierra Gold`Suzanne’ were treated with 100 ppm ribavirin for 10 days. For Phal.True Lady `F86-12’, 88.2% virus-negative plants were obtained when PLBs were treated with 250 ppm ribavirin for 10 days. Otherwise, Phal. True Lady `F86-12’ also gained 61.5-88.2% virus-negative plants among PLBs cultured without ribavirin. The virus-free plants were greenhouse cultured. The data showed that these plants maintained 66% and 99% virus-free when grown to medium or large plants. Different concentrations of ribavirin, which added in the solid medium, were examed to identify its effect on the multiplication and survival ratio of the induced Phalaenopsis buds. Results showed that the multiplication and the survival ratio decreased when the medium ribavirin concentration was increased. The effect of 25 ppm ribavirin showed no difference with the check. |
Keywords: Phalaenopsis, elimination of virus, protocorm-like bodies (PLB) |
台糖蝴蝶蘭品種改良技術之發展 The Varieties Improvement of Phalaenopsis at Taiwan Sugar Research Institute |
林益賢 謝瑞旻 Y. S. Lin R.M. Hsieh |
摘要 |
蝴蝶蘭(Phalaenopsis)花形優美花期長,為具有高經濟價值的花卉作物之一。民國七十五年台糖研究所為配合公司多角化之經營政策,選定蝴蝶蘭為精農事業發展的第一項花卉作物,並積極進行品種改良及相關研發工作。在品種改良方面,以傳統雜交育種為主,積極收集種原、進行雜交、育苗、組合評估等工作,表現優良的雜交組合則命名並推廣量產,期間則多次參加國內外蘭展,獲獎無數,成功地提昇台糖蝴蝶蘭的國際知名度。同時配合生物技術之發展開發相關的技術,包括改良播種培養基,改善無菌播種技術;建立微體繁殖技術,保存種原及量產分生苗;開發原生質體分離、融合、及培養技術,俾能將引入遠緣植物的優良特性;利用染色體倍加技術獲得同質四倍體提供做為雜交親本;應用同功異構(fa41)(isozyme)輿圖分析及DNA增幅指紋(DNA amplification fingerprinting, DAF)技術進行台糖蝴蝶蘭品種的保護工作,亦利用DNA增幅指紋技術篩選遺傳標誌;以逢機增幅多型性DNA(random amplified polymorphic DNA, RAPD)分子標誌探討蝴蝶蘭原生種分類及演化親緣關係;探討蝴蝶蘭花色遺傳機制,增加育種上對子代花色變化之掌握;進行分生苗體株變異之研究,期能找到方便有效之檢測方法,建立早期預警制度,以保障和維持分生苗品質;建立蝴蝶蘭基因轉殖系統,協助育出優良的蝴蝶蘭新品種,增加產品經濟效益。 |
關鍵詞: 蝴蝶蘭、育種、組織培養、同功異構(fa41)、DNA增幅指紋、逢機增幅多型性DNA、體株變異、基因轉殖 |
Abstract |
Phalaenopsis is one of the most valued floriculture crops in the world due to its graceful appearance and long-lasting flowering. Taiwan Sugar Corporation (TSC) has developed a Phalaenopsis business management system. The Department of Horticulture at Taiwan Sugar Research Institute (TSRI) is in charge of the R&D, this includes germplasm collection, crossing seedling raising, clonal selection, and registration of new hybrids. Flowering Phalaenopsis grown by TSC have been displayed in numerous international and domestic orchid shows, and the breeding achievements have been confirmed by numerous awards. A suitable medium has been developed for germination and growth of seeds in most crosses. Micropropagation techniques were developed for germplasm conservation and mass production of superior selected varieties. Studies on isolation, fusion, and protoplast culture were also undertaken to transfer other useful genomes into Phalaenopsis. Chromosome doubling was introduced to create autotetraploid which was useful to breed superior varieties with high homogeneity. Electrophoretic pattern of isozymes and DNA amplification fingerprinting (DAF) have been used to protect the patent right of our new varieties. DAF is also being employed to screen genetic markers. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to understand the phytogenetic relationship of taxonomy and evolution among wild species of Phalaenopsis. In order to understand the floral color heredity of Phalaenopsis, crosses were made between white and red floral clones. In order to develop an early detection system for somaclonal variation during micropropagation, the institute studied somaclonal variation to examine plant characteristics, including RAPD and isozyme patterns in normal and variant somaclones of Phalaenopsis. To improve TSRI’s conventional Phalaenopsis breeding program and to create novel commercial varieties, a transgenic system has been established. |
Keywords: Phalaenopsis, breeding, tissue culture, isozyme, DNA amplification fingerprinting (DAF)、random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)、somaclonal variation、gene transfer |
(中央社記者程啟峰高雄十六日電)國立高雄大學生命科學系主任陳文輝受國外科學期刊出版社WorldScientific邀請,主編世界第一本探討蘭花生物技術專書「Orchid Biotechnology」匯集台灣學界十餘年來的蘭花研究及最新發展,有助外界一窺台灣「蝴蝶蘭王國」的堂奧。
「Orchid Biotechnology」全書共十三章,以英文撰寫。從基礎的蘭花基因組知識,進階介紹蘭花花型、系統發展、胚胎學、微體繁殖、以及點出未來新品種研發技術與發展趨勢,蒐錄包括高雄大學生命科學系、中央研究院、國立屏東科技大學,國立台灣大學、國立清華大學、國立成功大學、中華醫事科技大學、廣東大學等眾多投身蘭花研究領域學者的學術發表論文。
投身蘭花領域二十載的陳文輝,曾任台糖農業處副處長,他是台糖公司發展蘭花產業及育種等研究的重要主持人之一。日前更獲蘭藝界極具權威的組織美國蘭藝協會 (American Orchid Society, A.O.S.)肯定,授與院士 (Fellow)榮銜,這是第二位獲得這項殊榮的亞洲人。他接任高大生科系主任後即成立蘭花科技研究小組,進行蘭花有用基因選殖及轉殖、蝴蝶蘭四倍原生種等研究。
TTCKMC 台灣蔡大川 六美生技 中草藥 組培工廠 蝴蝶蘭組培教學(From1984).全年生產 管理 瓶苗 幼苗 專門外銷!!!
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