牛樟芝相關專利--新竹市 食品路 331號
牛樟芝Antrodia cinnamomea僅生長在台灣山區牛樟樹Cinnamomum kanehirae樹幹腐朽之心材內壁,表現出強烈的宿主專一性。野生牛樟芝因民間口耳相傳具有極佳療效,導致市場供不應求。台灣近幾年來不論是學術界或產業界,已有相當多的研發團隊相繼投入牛樟芝的研發工作。由於牛樟芝嚴苛的宿主專一性以及人工栽培上的困難,目前多以液體發酵方式大量生產其具有生物活性的發酵產物。食品所篩選開發的牛樟芝菌種與液體發酵技術已經通過審查取得相關專利,其主要的專利範圍包括一株台灣本土牛樟芝分離株,培養基源以及具抗腫瘤或抑制癌細胞生長之活性發酵濾液(請參考牛樟芝液體培養專利),以及以上述專利菌株量化生產與萃取抑制腫瘤細胞生長之成份的方法(請參考牛樟芝發酵量產與有效成分萃取專利)。目前,該項技術已完成在2000公升發酵槽之試量產試驗,將可以技轉給有興趣之業者。
專 利 名 稱
| 美國專利編號
| 專利權止日
| 專 利 訴 求
| Isolate of Antrodia camphorata, process for producing a culture of the same and product obtained thereby.
| 6,355,475
| 2020/2/16
| The present invention relates a process for culturing isolates of Antrodia camphorata to provide a product useful in medical and nourishment fields.
| 6,391,615
| 2020/2/16
| The present invention also relates to a novel isolate of Antrodia camphorata capable of growing in a suitable artificial medium, while exhibiting desired pharmacological activities, in particular anti-tumor activity.
| 6,395,271
| 2020/2/16
| The utilization of potato dextrose broth and the synthetic medium containing fructose as major carbon source leads to a significant increase in the pharmacological activity of the cultures of A. camphorata.
專 利 名 稱
| 美國專利編號
| 專利權止日
| 專 利 訴 求
| Process for producing a culture of Antrodia camphorata and product obtained thereby
| 7,037,711
| 2023/10/29
| The present invention relates to the establishment of a cultivation condition that is suitable for the large-scale production of pharmacologically active filtrates from a culture of A. camphorata, in particular, by optimizing the agitation rate and/or pH value during the cultivation.
| 6,767,543
| 2020/5/8
| The present invention also relates to a process for obtaining pharmacologically active compositions from a culture of A. camphorata through a series of fractionation.
| 7,087,232
| 2021/5/23
| This invention is further directed to the uses of the above compositions in the preparation of pharmaceutical compositions.
| 7,157,090
| 2022/5/18
| The present invention relates to the establishment of a cultivation condition that is suitable for the large-scale production of pharmacologically active filtrates from a culture of A. camphorata, in particular, by optimizing the agitation rate and/or pH value during the cultivation. The present invention also relates to a process for obtaining pharmacologically active compositions from a culture of A. camphorata through a series of fractionation. This invention is further directed to the uses of the above compositions in the preparation of pharmaceutical compositions
TTCKMC 台灣蔡大川 六美生技 中草藥 組培工廠 蝴蝶蘭組培教學(From1984).全年生產 管理 瓶苗 幼苗 專門外銷!!!
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