新光學顯微鏡 打破光的定律 【00:15】 〔中央社〕英國研究人員透過玻璃微珠的協助,展示歷來解析度最高的光學顯微鏡。 英國廣播公司(BBC)報導,這種顯微鏡可照見小到500億分之一米的物體,可以直接窺視從未見過的「奈米觀」世界。 研究團隊指出,這種方法甚至可以用來觀看個別的病毒。 研究團隊使用的技術是運用衰減波(evanescentwave),也就是在非常逼近物體的地方放射,且通常會完全消失的光波。這項研究發表於英國「自然通訊」(Nature Communications)期刊。 不過,玻璃微珠可以收集這些光,然後將之重新聚焦,把光傳送到標準顯微鏡內,讓研究人員可以用肉眼看到一般僅限於原子動力顯微鏡或掃描電子顯微鏡才能間接看到的細節。 使用我們可以看到的可見光來觀看這種大小的物體,就某種意義而言,是違反光的定律。 An evanescent wave is a nearfield standing wave with an intensity that exhibits exponential decay with distance from the boundary at which the wave was formed. Evanescent waves are a general property of wave-equations, and can in principle occur in any context to which a wave-equation applies. They are formed at the boundary between two media with different wave motion properties, and are most intense within one third of a wavelength from the surface of formation. In particular, evanescent waves can occur in the contexts of optics and other forms of electromagnetic radiation, acoustics, quantum mechanics, and "waves on strings".[1][2] |