
專題作家 大衛古雷茲
根據刊載於《應用生理學期刊》(Journal of Applied Physiology) 上,由埃克塞特大學 (University of Exeter) 的研究人員所進行的一項研究顯示,定時飲用甜菜汁可降低高血壓及減少疲勞,並增強耐力及運動能力。研究實驗分成兩個回合,對象是同樣 8 名 19 至 38 歲的成年人。兩個回合都持續 6 天,由實驗對象每天喝下 500 毫升不明飲料之後,再騎上健身自行車進行一連串統一標準的測試。第一回合喝的是有機甜菜汁;另一回合則是喝加了黑加侖水果酒的安慰劑 (Placebo)。研究人員發現,喝甜菜汁時可以比喝安慰劑時多騎 16% 的距離 (92 秒)。反過來說,車手可以在相同距離快上 2%。而喝甜菜汁時的靜息血壓也比喝安慰劑時還低。甜菜汁顯然可以減緩身體消耗氧氣的速度,因此可以長時間消除疲勞。「我們對於甜菜汁的耗氧影響感到驚訝,因為沒有其它已知的方法可以達到同樣的效果,包括訓練。」研究人員安迪瓊斯 (Andy Jones) 說到。「我肯定專業及業餘的運動員都必定會對研究結果感興趣。」瓊斯強調研究結果可能也有益於那些因為缺乏運動 (Lack of Physical Activity) 而導致疾病的人,像是代謝症候群 (Metabolic Syndrome)、心血管疾病 (Cardiovascular Disease) 及呼吸系統疾病 (Respiratory Diseases) 等。「我也在積極尋找相關的發現,讓那些營養不良的人也能藉由補充營養改善日常生活。」他說。研究人員仍然不清楚甜菜怎麼會有這些效用,但是他們相信蔬菜中的硝酸鹽 (Nitrate) 可能就是身體耗氧量減少的原因。「總之,富含硝酸鹽的蔬果必定有益你的健康。」瓊斯表示。

Regular consumption of beet juice may boost athletic performance, increasing
endurance while lowering blood pressure and reducing fatigue, according to a
study conducted by researchers from the University of Exeter and published in
the Journal of Applied Physiology.
On two separate occasions, the
researchers had the same group of eight men between the ages of 19 and 38 drink
500 milliliters of an unknown beverage for six consecutive days, then perform a
series of standardized tests on an exercise bicycle. On one occasion, the
beverage was 500 milliliters of organic beetroot juice; on the other, it was a
placebo of blackcurrant
The researchers found that men who drank the beetroot juice were
able to cycle for 16 percent longer (92 seconds) than those who drank the
placebo. This, in turn, would allow a cyclist to cover a set distance 2 percent
faster. Participants also had a lower resting blood pressure after
drinking beetroot juice than they did after drinking the placebo.
beetroot juice apparently caused the body to burn oxygen more slowly, thus
staving off tiredness longer.
"We were amazed by the effects of beetroot
juice on oxygen uptake, because these effects cannot be achieved by any other
known means, including training," said researcher Andy Jones. "I am sure
professional and amateur athletes will be interested in the results of this research.
noted that the research might also lead to benefits for people who have diseases
related to lack of physical activity, such as metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular
disease and respiratory
"I am also keen to explore the relevance of the findings to
those people who suffer from poor fitness and may be able to use dietary
supplements to help them go about their daily lives," he said.
researchers do not know why beets cause the observe effect, but they believe
that the nitrates in the vegetables might slow the
body's oxygen uptake.
"Certainly, a diet high in nitrate-rich fruits
and vegetables is good for your heart health and this study provides further
evidence of this," Jones said.

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資料來源: (英國廣播公司)

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