
牛樟幼葉培養體胚發生與植株再生 陳盈君1) 張正2,3)摘要從牛樟幼葉誘導生成黃白色、硬實粒狀的胚性癒傷組織,穩定地繼代培養於含1 mg L-1 BA及0.5mg L-1 NAA之基礎培養基(CI medium)。牛樟胚性癒傷組織移入未添加生長調節劑之WPM培養基並置於5℃環境下培養14天,再移到25℃的環境下培養6週,可於癒傷組織表面觀察到體胚形成。牛樟各種型態之體胚同時移入含0.2 mg L-1 GA3 and及150 ml L-1椰子水的WPM培養基2個月後,再移入不含生長調節劑之WPM培養基10個月,每2個月繼代一次,有31.4%體胚發芽長出胚根及胚芽而再生成小植株,其中僅正常型態體胚能順利發芽,畸型體胚則逐漸褐化。株高5公分的再生株經馴化及移植後具有83%(33/40)的存活比率,再生株於國立自然科學博物館植物園展覽區栽培3年,胸徑達6 cm,株高4 m。陳盈君、張正。2009。牛樟幼葉培養體胚發生與植株再生。台灣林業科學24(2):117-25。

Figs. 1~10. Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration of Cinnamomum kanehirae.
1. Embryogenic cell aggregates with compact cytoplasm (bar = 52 μm).
2. Embryogenic calli were yellowish-white, compact, and granular and were stably
maintained on medium containing 1 mg L-1 BA and 0.5 mg L-1 NAA (bar = 1.3 mm).
3. Pre-embryo (PE) with suspensor (S) observed within the embryogenic calli (bar = 30 μm).
4. White globular somatic embryos (SE→) which appeared on the surface of calli cultured
on WPM at 5℃ for 14 d and then transferred to 25℃ for 6 wk (bar = 0.49 mm).
5. Histological section showing the vascular system of a somatic embryo (bar = 100 μm).
6. Somatic embryo with 2 cotyledons which have turned green, an elongated epicotyl (E),
and a radical root (R) (bar = 0.3 mm).
7. True leaves expanded and a whole plantlet was established (bar = 0.8 cm).
8. Plantlet derived from a somatic embryo grew well, and some secondary somatic embryos
(→) had spontaneously developed on the surface of the calli which formed on the base of
the plantlet (bar = 12 mm).
9. Plantlet transferred to a greenhouse and was 20.4 cm height after 5 mo of culturing (bar
= 4.9 cm).
10. A regenerant 3 m in height and 6 cm in DBH after of 3 yr in the Botanic Garden (bar =9 cm)

牛樟幼葉培養體胚發生與植株再生 陳盈君1) 張正2,3)摘要從牛樟幼葉誘導生成黃白色、硬實粒狀的胚性癒傷組織,穩定地繼代培養於含1 mg L-1 BA及0.5mg L-1 NAA之基礎培養基(CI medium)。牛樟胚性癒傷組織移入未添加生長調節劑之WPM培養基並置於5℃環境下培養14天,再移到25℃的環境下培養6週,可於癒傷組織表面觀察到體胚形成。牛樟各種型態之體胚同時移入含0.2 mg L-1 GA3 and及150 ml L-1椰子水的WPM培養基2個月後,再移入不含生長調節劑之WPM培養基10個月,每2個月繼代一次,有31.4%體胚發芽長出胚根及胚芽而再生成小植株,其中僅正常型態體胚能順利發芽,畸型體胚則逐漸褐化。株高5公分的再生株經馴化及移植後具有83%(33/40)的存活比率,再生株於國立自然科學博物館植物園展覽區栽培3年,胸徑達6 cm,株高4 m。陳盈君、張正。2009。牛樟幼葉培養體胚發生與植株再生。台灣林業科學24(2):117-25。


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